America is the greatest political experiment to ever materialize on Earth. Anyone who "hates" this country, or is disrespectful to it's morally righteous foundations, have no favor with me. It is fine to disagree with the political decisions of the American government. The government shifts its political orientation bi-annually and quadrennially, meaning the target of your disdain is temporary. But when you say you "hate" America, and you urge others to leave this nation, you are being disrespectful to the ethos of the American experiment. We are a country founded on the moral agency of the individual, and the preservation of the natural rights of all human beings. If you hate America foundationally, you also hate those things. And if you hate those things, your moral compass is off.
This is why I'm going into politcal commentary: To fight anti-American and anti-classical liberal ideas with reason and a fervent devotion to liberty.
I'm not sure if any of you have been following what has happened recently, but here's a refresher.
I recently gained the ire of the online left for objecting to Biden's student loa handout. I posted a short clip from a longer video to Twitter and ended up getting almost 2 million views on it. Of course, with that high number of engagement came hate, vitriol, and grotesque attacks.
Here's a clip that goes over some of those. I will post the link to the thread and to the full video the clip is from.
Let me know all of your thoughts!
The tweet thread:
Tonight's video is perhaps my most important one yet. Please share this far and wide and engage in conversation about it as well! Environmentalism is one of the most pernicious forces in contemporary western civilization. It is best we understand it for what it truly is by exploring it's philosophic origins. I do just that in this video!